Thursday, 14 May 2009

Darwin and Dumbells

Exercises, why oh why oh why. wouldn't it be just brilliant that we could speed up evolution to the place where we do not have to do exercises any more. I mean you don't see a lion running up and down a mountain to stay fit, or an elephant doing 20 reps lifting a baobab stump with his trunk. They don't need it, they have evolved to the state where what they do keep them fit enough to do what they want to do. Likewise when they go on a diet, they starve.

Now I want to work in front of the PC, watch television frequent in a balti house while on weekend do paragliding and the occasional trip to the dessert. That is not much to ask. Why haven't we evolve yet so I can do what I like without having to spend hours contemplation how on earth am I going to motivate myself to go to the gym and eat less.

Don't tell me we have moved away from nature and now doing the things we were not evolved to do. Rubbish. The same argument goes for the first animal who left terra firma and took to the skies. If you were there you would probably have said " no birdie, do not fly, nature gave you legs instead, use them " You may claim that we have evolved faster than nature could keep up. Nonsense again. If we are in nature and part of nature, thus we are using nature as the building blocks of our evolution and by definition the resulting evolution would be evolution and thus nothing less than nature. Or in other words silicon chips and the dreaded Windows Vista is nature. Vista belonging to the stinging nettle family off course.

So we are in nature, of nature and natural. Why is it not natural to just being fit.

Not formulated an answer to this conundrum yet, I decided to continuing my pursuit of getting my bud in the gym and finally I can announce success. Well more predict than announce that is, as I have not yet been to the gym but is due to start on Tuesday the 19th. I have at last found a gym buddy. Not just any gym buddy, it is Amanda. Now if you know Amanda, you'll have to agree that not showing up is something that one should not consider. Do not mess with Amanda and do not let her down. So I am reasonably confident that at last I will start to make use of the gym contract Rory flogged me couple of weeks ago.