Sunday 15 March 2009

ECG’s Hospitals, blood tests and Doctors

Got my medical certificate and ECG last week. ECG shows I have a beating heart but the doctor was a tough nut to crack. I had to beg him to sign the medical certificate to allow me in the race. It went like this, seriously it did:

Doctor: What can I help?
Kobus: Oh I just need you to sign this little form to allow me to participate in a charity event.
Doctor: And you need a medical certificate? This is in French?
Kobus: Yeah but there is a translation. You know the French they are just silly with their rules, it is nothing major.
Doctor: French? is it on the continent? What is it, a Half marathon?
Kobus: No it is in morocco and a bit longer
Doctor: Morocco? Where?
Kobus: In the desert
Doctor: The Sahara?
Kobus: Yes
Doctor: How much longer? A full marathon in the desert?
Kobus: No a bit longer it is an Ultra Marathon
Doctor: What? 38 miles?
Kobus: No, it’s 151 miles
Doctor: When is the last time you did any running?
Kobus: When I was in the police I did a 1.5 mile fitness test in 1987
Doctor: You are fucking mad; I’m not signing this......

What follows were a long strenuous negotiation with me begging and the doctor looking for any excuse to section me. I walked out of his surgery with signature and stamp on the form, so I guess I won :)

That’s it, no more to do, just packing, foot doctor get the last few bits and bobs and of I go to the challenge of a lifetime. Still not sure whether I can complete, but I will give it my all. My greatest fear is that I will quit. I will not easily forgive myself if I quit. Not completing because I don’t make the cut off or because I physically can’t, will be devastated but I will learn to accept it, Quitting however will be a bitter pill to swallow. So if you want to pray for me, pray that I won’t quit.

I got the address for the satellite tracking. You can follow me at

If above website is offline, an alternative address is:

My position should update every 10 minutes from the start of the race.

1 comment:

Steph Cooke said...

Hi Kobus, glad you got the ECG and certificate sorted, they are causing a nightmare for so many folk!!
Have faith in yourself, you have done the training, have cracked your foot problems, organised your breakfast, have guts and determination and you are going to do this!!