Monday 25 August 2008

20 Mile walk

Did a 20 mile (32km) walk yesterday with a 15kg (33lb) backpack. Had two 45 minute stops to cook breakfast and lunch and to test the stove etc. Complete in 8 hours 15 minutes.

I wanted to do a longer walk, 35 mile (56km) but Paul (Experienced walker and friend who walk with me) talked me out of it before we start. I was very disappointed in his negative attitude but afterwards eternally great full.

What went well.
I was not tired, The backpack is amazingly comfortable and did not cause any discomfort or irateness. Had plenty of energy even towards the end.

What went wrong
Two blisters on the ball of my feet the size of golf balls and chafing between the fatty parts of my legs. This started after about 7 miles and was seriously painful but I thought if I stop then I would have no chance completing the MdS so i stuck it out even though I lost all sense of humour towards the end. Legs were very stiff and the worst part was driving home afterwards as I could not lift my legs for either clutch or brake. So I drove back changing gears without clutch and using the handbrake instead.

Good news is this morning I am fine. Legs is much better and ready for another walk. Apart from the blisters and chafing.

Got a bollocking from Debbie who was not impressed that I did such a distance so soon. Martin from likeys also thought it was a bit silly even though it is a good learning curve. He said that a level walk is harder than uphill and downhill because you use the same mussels all the time. (I think he was just kind)

Of to the pharmacy now for some iodine and plasters then puncturing the blisters and see if I can get the skin to stick.

Lost a little more weight and is not 129.2 kg (285 lb)

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