Sunday 7 September 2008


Attempted a 35mile (56km) yesterday and bailed out. No need for sympathy or political correctness, fact remain I set a goal, committed to it and bailed out while I was still able to put one foot in front of the other. The cold and the rain beat me. I thought I was well prepared with a poncho an some waterproof overshoes, matlock/mattock or something they are called. Supposed to be army issue, however within a few miles they were in shreds and I was walking ankle deep through the water. The poncho was not much help either. It kept the rain out but did not breath. The condensation inside made everything wet. My phone was in a plastic bag inside the rucksack and the water was dripping from it.

I ended up walking in T shirt and shorts. which was OK as long as I kept the 5km/h (3mph) pace. But the blisters that came after a bout 8 miles of drenched shoes slowed me down and I could not walk fast enough to maintain body heat. So after 17 miles I called it a day and called a taxi.

To argue that in the Sahara I will not have rain wind and cold is irrelevant. I am here now and here I have to train. In the desert we will have different challenges, also challenges I did not anticipate or prepared for. If I can not learn to overcome and endure the little problems in the cold and wet. I will stand no chance.

What next. I think if I was warm and dry, I would have had a better chance I need to find suitable clothing and shoes and then do the same route again. Problem is that seldom are good clothing available in my size. I have an exercise booked in the Brecons for 20th of this month and need to redo my failed route before that.

Things that went well:
  • Managed to control the chafing between my legs.
  • Cooked a full English breakfast on route, Bacon, egg, tomato, mushroom and black pudding. It was beautiful.

Things that can go better:
  • Not comfortable with trekking poles, needs getting used to.
  • Keeping warm and dry, especially feet.
  • Difficult to judge hydration levels in the rain as I do not feel thirsty or notice any sweat. Slightly de-hydrated today.
  • Consider dumping the GPS. I start to think it is only a gimmick with weight.

Have not lost or gained weight since last blog. I blame the full sirloin worth of biltong I made. Promise not to make any more for at least 4 weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it is well done. The best is no one can make is if he wil not begin. For blusters and chafing its good to use vaseline well spread before starting the race. From old Comrades runner.